November 11th, 2023 JOIN US
Their Homes Matter Project… Big Bend AUSA Chapter is taking action to support and improve the lives of elderly low-income veteran homeowners who are unable to care for their homes. Providing a safe and nurturing environment with access to support and community services is crucial for the well-being of these veterans who have served our country honorably.
A key part of what we will be doing as a chapter of AUSA starting this year of 2023 is identifying and re-defining the lives of elderly veteran homeowners who are unable to care for their homes. We believe it is a societal commitment to improve and balance quality of life for veterans who have served honorably and are living within the boundaries of our chapter.
Join Us… Big Bend chapter is seeking community partnerships and corporate sponsors to help achieve our ambitious goal of promoting better community support across the Big Bend chapter. Over the next decade we hope our initiative Their Homes Matter project will inspire other AUSA communities to follow our lead in supporting and improving the lives of our low-income veterans and show they are not forgotten.
Raising Funds… Our annual golf tournament on October 2nd at the Golden Eagle Country Club in Tallahassee Florida will be our main event to raise funds and build awareness about the needs of elderly low-income veteran homes.
We know… that with corporate partners working hard together with our chapter toward this ambitious goal, we can over the next decade promote better community awareness and support across the Big Bend chapter and beyond.